Tuesday, May 4, 2010

pedantic, pedantically, pedanticalness, pedantical

overly concerned with details or formalisms, esp. in teaching.

Now some quibbles. Haigh dusts off George Orwell’s essay, Confessions of a Book Reviewer, to remind us of the Great Man’s view that 1000 words is the “bare minimum” required for a book review of consequence. Call me pedantic, but Haigh’s piece, no mere book review but a treatise on the (sorry) state of Australian literary criticism, is about 850 words.

Title: Are Our Book Reviewers Duds? A Pair of Ragged Claws ALR Blog

pedantic in a sentence

1. Being a pedantic foments my inability to see the bigger picture.
2. I read pedantically to sharpen my mind.
3. I renounce my pedantical attitude to foster better father and daughter relationship.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

heterogeneous, heterogeneously, heterogeneousness

credits: lionsgate

composed of parts of different kinds; a widely dissimilar elements, constituents, characters

credits: lionsgate

Heterogeneous in a Sentence
heterogeneously, (adverb)
heterogeneousness, (noun)

1. The movie Kick-Ass is a heterogeneous composite of characters manifesting heroism and righteousness.

2. Kick-Ass consists of a heterogeneous mixture of vigilantes and disparate aspirations.

Red Mist
credits: lionsgate

Heterogeneous - Synonyms in Sentence
hodgepodge, amalgamate, multifarious, motley

1. Kick-Ass is a hodgepodge of eccentric heroes and heroine emerging from their humdrum existence.
2. The vigilantes amalgamate to fight crime together but with different pursuits of glory, revenge and fame.
3. Kick-Ass is a composite of multifarious crime fighters, each with their own unique ability and idiosyncrasies.

Big Daddy
credits: lionsgate
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